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Waffles PB & J Style

Being pregnant I get hungry a lot. I eat 3 meals a day, multiple snacks, and drink plenty of water but still my stomach rumbles. For weeks I have been trying to find something that will hold me over for longer than 45 mins. Now, waffles with peanut butter and jelly it may not be the healthiest snack choice out there but it does help fight off mid-morning hunger.

All it takes to make is:
2 Waffles (frozen or fresh)
Peanut Butter (any brand, creamy or chunky)
Jelly (any flavor, any brand)
Spreading knife
a little imagination

First off make your waffles to your specifications.

Once cooked spread on your peanut butter and jelly.
SPOILER ALERT! Spread the peanut butter on while the waffles are still hot and you will have a delicious
 gooey mess.

Congrats! You just made your first waffle sandwich,

now go enjoy it then come back and tell me what you think!

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